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Seminarteilnemerin bei EuroConsults
During our one day seminars you will receive a compact introduction to different EU funding programmes and themes. All our seminars are since years established in the educational market and are very well prepared from a didactical point of view. EuroConsults has been offering since 1991 one day seminars concerning EU funding programmes and EU project management.

We currently provide seminars on EU funding programme ERASMUS+, LIFE, HORIZONT 2020, EU external aid as well as the EU structural and investment Funds ERDF, EAFRD, ESF, LEADER and INTERREG A/B/EUROPE.

We offer moreover Call specific application seminars on the actuals call for proposals.

On the left side of this page you can view our offer of the different seminar.

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EuroConsults through its founder Michael Seidler has been consulting companies since 1991 on the field of European funding, beginning from the “Stadtjugendring Jena” and working on behalf of the German National Agency for the former EU Programm “Youth”.

During the years the team acquired experience thanks to practical grant applications in different EU programmes covering different themes.

We also provide specific seminars regarding the European Social Fund (ESF) in Germany and Austria. Our seminars take place mostly in Germany and Austria, but they also took place in Poland, Denmark, Serbia and Switzerland. We are opened to every collaboration abroad Europe, so don’t hesitate to contact us to start a possible collaboration with hight European added value!

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