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europäisches PROJEKTMANAGEMENT von EuroConsultsWe have been managing projects since a long time and have gained experience in different funding programmes. Since the middle 90’s we have been working with the European Commission on the new green paper and the “youth” programme and provided content related input to the German National Agency for youth.

On behalf of the Directorate General ENLARG and REGIO of the EU-Commission we prepared at the beginning 2000 through EU funded projects the active access of the 10 new members of the EU (EU Est Enlargement) thanks to a close collaboration with partner from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

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Within the INTERACT-Programme we developed as only German funded consortium and as Lead applicant a tool for efficient intercultural project management in INTERREG projects.

During the standard settings of the new gender strategy of the European Union we developed such standards on gender equality in EU projects within a model project with a gender institute. Those have found application in 2007 in the new EU transversal objectives regarding the implementation of the above mentionned standards.

Usually, we supervise between 2 to 4 projects of our customers, whom we have been advising mostly during the initial and planning phase till the grant approval.





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